Big Rocks

 Steven Covey  in his video The Big Rocks  highlights a very important aspect which is prioritizing important things in our lives . The video shows a woman who is occupied with her life and she doesn't have enough time for her family , life goal , going to church and even herself. Being occupied with all the small things that fill our lives can play a major role in our time management and prioritizing skills . we tend to give up on important things and fundamental things to be able to fit the things that absorb us in the things that are not important. The video uses a very strong analogy which is a representation of the important things in our life as solid big rocks and the things that occupy and fill our lives as small stones . Although the small things might not take up a huge space in life, when we have lots of these moments we won't have enough time for the important things in life to take place in our lives. 

Watching this video and relating to it was an eye opening experience . Looking at this video and reflecting on my life , I can see that I tend to waste lots of time on nonsense. For instance, most of my time is occupied with playing PlayStation . i would rather not sleep or eat or even stay with my sister but i would rather stay for endless hours playing PlayStation . I remember one time I stayed on my PlayStation playing video games and I had an important exam the next day. I failed the exam because I was so reckless, focusing on blessing myself rather than studying .

Knowing what is important in life is a blessing . We have lots of distractions in life that can suck us into it like social media apps , texting , playing video games and watching streaming apps . People could spend time mindlessly scrolling through their phones doing nothing and then they realize that they don't have any time to do something productive such as studying , praying , having some quality time with their family or even doing any physical activity . When a group of friends try to arrange to meet up they usually cancel due to not having enough time , but in reality they cancel because they are too lazy to meet up or they are occupied with trivial things that are not important . 

Finally , I believe that this video should be shared and people should realize that we are losing our lives to every small thing that we are filling our lives with . We should start leaving all our bad habits and we should concentrate more on the important things in life . People only live once so that they can live a  long and happy life . People should start putting their priorities like putting their family first and then anything can follow and once they are done with the important things in life that can give the spare time to their triviality to be able to live a good and a happy life .
